export images with comments?

when i moved my site from one domain to another, i was expecting comments to go along with the images. but when i had everything setup, the comments were there, but assigned to different image id's. when i moved my images their id changed so their comments didn't match up. luckily i had only 5 comments, so i could reassign them properly, but i have a proofs page i want to move with a whole bunch more comments, how do i go about exporting everything to another location without losing the comments?


  • have you found a way of moving the images with the correct comments from one host to another. i have the same problem right now and was wondering if you have already found a solution.
  • have you tried the backup/restore facility?
  • no, i weren't aware of that... i just copied the comments-table and reimported it via phpmyadmin. the comments are there, but are assigned to a wrong image; i guess it's due to the fact that the comments are saved with an picture-id (which changes after the move) and not to a path/filename of the image. So i guess, it can't be done with the zenphoto database alone backed up!?
  • There is a backup/restore utility with zenphoto. You can backup the database on the original install and restore that backup on the new one. But you need to be sure the new install database is empty to start with as no records are deleted on the restore.

    The procedure is: Upload all your images. Upload the zenphoto files, including the backup folder. Create the empty database. Then run setup. After it has done its thing you will be given the option of doing a database restore.
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