Problems with Zenpage

After playing with ZenPage, unfortunatelly I still get these problems saving an article/page/category :
I use zenphoto version 1.2.1 [2756] - multilingual mode on
PHP version : 4.4.6
MySQL version : 4.1.22

1. I get this message :
Warning: array_shift() [function.array-shift]: The argument should be an array in /home/myincrediblesupersite/zp-core/functions-i18n.php on line 401

2. Even if "enable permatitlelink" is checked there's no permalink at all (it just links to the default category), I must edit the article another time and click "modify permalink" then edit it to get one.

3. Even if I've checked the category the article belongs to, it isn't saved.

4. When I want to modify an existing article/page, the content field is blank.

Do you have any idea about what to do with these problems ?
Do I have a bad karma ? :)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Hopefully not bad karma..:-) You could try the svn version, although nothing of that has been reported before.
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