if i understood it right, the function printAllTagsAs() should show you only the tags which appear between $mincount and $maxcount times in the current database. But when i set $mincount to 2 and $maxcount to 10, i assume that i get only tags which appear 2 to 10 times in my database. Am i right?
If i am - i think it doesnt work. I specify 2-10 but i also have lots of tags which have 50 or more results. And changing the numbers to $min 10 and $20 doesnt really change whats displayed in the tag-cloud. Can you tell me where i am wrong and how to fix that?
Another issue i saw: Some tags never get displayed. I know specific pages which have exactly 70 results - so i set the $min and $max to 70 and 72 - but they never get displayed. Again, some tags with results > 70 get displayed.
Thanks for your help!