cannot use any theme after installation

uploaded and installed ok, uploaded some albums and photos for testing ok, but no matter which theme I enable, I only see a zenphoto yellowy image on a beige background, which does nothing and goes nowhere.
I have not enabled the `mod-rewrite` as my host is `namesco` which uses `zeus`s`rewrite scripts (there is an article on the differences with apache, but I don`t understand a word of it)
I am totally stuck can anyone help please




  • as an addon to above I have included a copy of the zeus versus apache article from namesco

    Zeus Rewrite Rules User guide

    Zeus Rewrite Rules User guide

    Request rewriting functionality can be used to change a requested
    URL into any other URL by providing a script of rewrite commands for the Zeus Web Server to pre-process every request. This powerful functionality enables you to modify the URL and HTTP headers of a request in any way you wish. The modified request is passed on to be processed in the usual way, returning the requested page.

    This guide is written to highlight the basic differences between
    Apache and Zeus's implementation. We have provided a number of stock scripts,
    with brief explanations, for some common software packages in use today.


    For example, the following script illustrates how to change
    requests for any HTML files in the /sales directory so that the user receives
    them from the /newsales directory instead:

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^/sales/(.*)\.html$ /newsales/$1.html


    match URL into $ with ^/sales/(.*)\.html
    if matched set URL=/newsales/$1.html

    In the following example all requests for non-existant .html files
    are redirected to index.php:

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^[^/]*\.html$ index.php


    match URL into $ with ^/[^/]*\.html$
    if matched then set URL = /index.php

    Common rewrite rules rewritten for Zeus

    The following example illustrates the conversion of standard
    wordpress rewrite rules:

    The scripts below both check and redirct any requests for non
    existent files or directories to the index.php file

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]


    #Zeus webserver version of basic Wordpress mod_rewrite rules
    map path into SCRATCH:path from %{URL}
    look for file at %{SCRATCH:path}
    if exists then goto END
    look for dir at %{SCRATCH:path}
    if exists then goto END
    match URL into $ with ^/wp-.*$
    if matched then goto END
    set URL = /index.php

    The Zeus script below permanent 301 redircts any requests for "non-www" URL's to the "www" equivalent for the "" domain.

    match IN:Host into $ with ^(.*)domain\.co\.uk$
    if matched
    match URL into $ with ^/(.*)$
    if matched
    set OUT:Location =$1
    set OUT:Content-Type = text/html
    set RESPONSE = 301
    set BODY = Moved

    Joomla - Rewriting SEO URLs in ZWS

    If you have real paths that match /content/ or /component/ then you
    need to check that the request isn't for a real file. Only use this code if you
    actually need it because it requires a lot more processing time than the
    alternative below. You will need to use this rewrite rule:

    match URL into $ with (/content/|/component/)
    if matched then
    map path into SCRATCH:path from %{URL}
    look for file at %{SCRATCH:path}
    if not exists then look for dir at %{SCRATCH:path}
    if not exists then set URL = /index.php

    If you don't have real paths like /content/ or /component/ then you
    only need this:

    match URL into $ with (/content/|/component/)
    if matched then set URL = /index.php

    You need to ensure that in the ZWS rewrite request section, the
    option to rewrite URI "Overwriting the Request URI" is set to "Leave URI
    unchanged". Joomla splits the URI at "/" to find the options sent to it, so
    rewriting must leave the original URI alone.

    Reference material
    Official apache rewriting guide
    Wordpress permalinks guide

    For more advanced use:
    Zeus webserver user guide
    Apache mod_rewrite guide

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