Subalbum navigation bug?

I have a really weird problem with sub-album next and previous links: for certain photos in the first two sub-albums of four (it seems) the photo name does not appear in the link, for instance: http://localhost/zenphoto/Greece/Antiparos/.php This bug appears with all themes and both version 1.2 and 1.2.1, brand new installations. The gallery has over 1700 photos. If I move the sub-albums with the problem to normal albums, the bug does not appear. Also, the bug does not show if I navigate directly to the sub-album like this http://localhost/zenphoto/Greece/Antiparos/, instead of navigating down to it from the top level gallery. It is as if there is some sort of overflow and the image name, for random(?) images in the sub-album, is skipped when using the next & previous links. Any ideas how to fix the bug (other then removing the sub-albums)?

There is another, perhaps related problem: when I start up my gallery it takes a really long time to show. In fact, most of the time it times out and I have to do repeated refreshes until all the albums in the gallery get shown. But I will post this bug in another thread.
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