The simpler media website CMS
Price lists can also be passed as a parameter to the GoogleCheckout() function. See also GoogleCheckoutPricelistFromString() for parsing a string into the pricelist array. This could be used, for instance, by storing a pricelist string in the 'customdata' field of your images and then parsing and passing it in the GoogleCheckout() call. This would give you individual pricing by image.I tried, but failed, numerous times to get this working. In the custom data field for my image I entered:
20x20:canvas=400.00 30x30:canvas=600Then there's this:
function GoogleCheckoutPricelistFromString($prices) {Where do I insert this code? Sorry, I'm just a scripting dummy.
$pricelist = array();
$pricelistelements = explode(' ', $prices);
foreach ($pricelistelements as $element) {
if (!empty($element)) {
$elementparts = explode('=', $element);
$pricelist[$elementparts[0]] = $elementparts[1];
return $pricelist;