Inline ajax editing fails

I am running version version 1.2 [2213] and have been trying to edit the title and description of albums in my gallery, but it does not work. The browser error console states:

`"Error: initEditableTitle is not defined"`

and in the html of the page the only javascript is:


Looking at template-functions.php, the function zenJavascript() should be outputting a reference to ajax.js and other ajax editing javascript stuff, but it is not.

I have checked user permissions, and have granted them all for my user, and have logged out and back in. I am using a custom theme however.


  • The custom theme is likely the problem. Try the default theme to rule out the core code. If you still have problems with a default theme, you might try the nightly build. If the default theme works, you'll need to compare the difference between it and your custom theme and make the appropriate changes.
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