using image for titel does not work - stopdesign

Hi there!
I'm using stopdesign and I'm using a image for the titel on top of all php-sites.
It is on top in a black top-frame.

Now I've got the problem, that it ist working well, except on the index.php.
There ist no black topframe with the image and there ist no footer with the zenphoto-link.

I tried zu fix it in the index.php code, comparing to the album.php code (there, it is working very well), but no success...

Where can I fix this up? In a CSS-File?

Could you please help me?

Thanks a lot!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We need to know what you exactly do before we can help.
  • Hi!
    I installed stopdesign everything was working very well.
    Then I started to change some 'gettext' parts in all php-sites. I wrote German terms.
    Everything was fine.

    After this, I decided to use an image in top of the album to show the titel as an image.
    It was working fine as well. The Image is shown and after it the path, if you got into an subalbum, etc.

    I had to change colors too in the css-file, to show better the path in top of the album. This worked as well as it did before.

    And I don't know how, but one day, I missed the black top frame with the titel-image on the index.php. There ist just the titel written over main-albums.
    And if I change into an main-album, then there is the black top-frame again.

    And I have the same problem with the footer...

    Maybe I ought to mail you the link???
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Gettext will not have any impact on any images. Also just as a note, if you use German text anyway, you can take out the gettext...

    The question is what do you do to show that image. Not everyt function that works on album.php or image.php works on the index.php page.

    Please post the code you use to show that image.
  • It's a lot of code, but here is my index.php-code. So you could see, what I did:

    if (!defined('WEBPATH')) die();
    $firstPageImages = normalizeColumns(3, 6);
    setOption('images_per_page', getOption('images_per_page') - 1, false);
    if ($firstPageImages > 0) { $firstPageImages = $firstPageImages - 1; }
    setOption('thumb_crop_width', 89, false);
    setOption('thumb_crop_height', 67, false);
    global $_zp_current_image;
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <title><?php printGalleryTitle() . " > " . getAlbumTitle();?></title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" href="<?php echo $_zp_themeroot ?>/css/master.css" />
    <?php printRSSHeaderLink('Album',getAlbumTitle()); zenJavascript(); ?>

    <body class="index">

    <?php echo getGalleryTitle(); ?><?php if (getOption('Allow_search')) { printSearchForm(''); } ?>

    <div id="content">

    <div class="galleries">
    <h2><?php echo gettext('Foto-Alben'); ?></h2>

      <?php $counter = 0; while (next_album() and $counter < 6): ?>
      <li class="gal">
      <h3>" title="<?php echo gettext("Album ansehen: "); echo getAlbumTitle(); ?>"><?php printAlbumTitle(); ?></h3>
      " title="<?php echo gettext("Album ansehen: "); echo getAlbumTitle();?>" class="img"><?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle(), null, 210, 59, 210, 59); ?>

      <div class="date"><?php printAlbumDate(); ?></div>

      <?php if ($counter == 2) {echo "
      ";}; $counter++; endwhile; ?>
    <p class="mainbutton">" class="btn"><img src="<?php echo $_zp_themeroot ?>/img/btn_gallery_archive.gif" width="118" height="21" alt="<?php echo gettext(' Gallerie Archiv'); ?>" /></p>

    <div id="secondary">
    <div class="module">
    <p><?php echo getOption('Gallery_description'); ?></p>
    <div class="module">
    <?php $selector = getOption('Mini_slide_selector'); ?>
    <ul id="randomlist">
    switch($selector) {
    case 'Recent images':
    if (function_exists('getImageStatistic')) {
    echo '<h2>Recent images</h2>';
    $images = getImageStatistic(6, "latest");
    foreach ($images as $image) {
    echo "
    $imageURL = getURL($image);
    echo '<a href="'.$imageURL.'" title="'.gettext("Bild zeigen: ").
    $image->getTitle() . '"><img src="' .
    htmlspecialchars($image->getCustomImage(null, 44.5, 33.5, null, null, null, null, true)) .
    '" width="44.5" height="33.5" alt="' . $image->getTitle() . "\"/>\n";
    echo "</td></tr></table>
    case 'Random images':
    echo '<h2>Zufallsbilder</h2>';
    for ($i=1; $i<=3; $i++) {
    echo "
    $randomImage = getRandomImages();
    $randomImageURL = getURL($randomImage);
    echo 'getTitle() . '">' .
    '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars($randomImage->getCustomImage(null, 44.5, 33.5, null, null, null, null, true)) .
    '" width="44.5" height="33.5" alt="'.$randomImage->getTitle().'"';
    echo "/>

    <div class="module">
    <table cellspacing="0" class="gallerydata">
    <th>"><?php echo gettext('Hauptalben'); ?></th>
    <td><?php $albumNumber = getNumAlbums(); echo $albumNumber ?></td>
    <th><?php echo gettext('Fotos'); ?></th>
    <td><?php $photosArray = query_single_row("SELECT count(*) FROM ".prefix('images')); $photosNumber = array_shift($photosArray); echo $photosNumber ?></td>
    <td><?php printRSSLink('Gallery','','','',true,'i'); ?></td>
    <?php if (getOption('Allow_comments')) { ?>
    <th><?php echo gettext('Kommentare'); ?></th>
    <td><?php $commentsArray = query_single_row("SELECT count(*) FROM ".prefix('comments')." WHERE inmoderation = 0"); $commentsNumber = array_shift($commentsArray); echo $commentsNumber ?></td>
    <td><?php printRSSLink('Comments','','','',true,'i'); ?></td>
    <?php } ?>

    <!-- BlogCounter Code START -->
    <th><div style="position:relative;width:80px;height:15px;overflow:hidden;"><span id="bccount" style="font-size:8px">kostenloser Counter</span><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript><p><img style="border: 0px;" alt="Weblog counter" src=""/> - Lustige Bilder</p></div></th>
    <!-- BlogCounter Code END -->



    <p id="path"><img src=""> > <?php printParentBreadcrumb("", " > ", " > "); ?> <?php printAlbumTitle(false);?></p>

    <div id="footer">
    <hr />
    <p><?php echo gettext('Powered by '); ?>ZenPhoto.</p>
    <?php printAdminToolbox(); ?>


  • Hi there,

    the part of the code with image (logo.jpg)and footer is at the end of the whole code:

    <p id="path"><img src=""> > <?php printParentBreadcrumb("", " > ", " > "); ?> <?php printAlbumTitle(false);?></p>

    <div id="footer">
    <hr />

    Any idea how to get it shown on the top of the site?
    <p><?php echo gettext('Powered by '); ?>ZenPhoto.</p>
    <?php printAdminToolbox(); ?>


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    How about moving it to the top then? You probably will have to change the CSS, too.
  • Well, I'm afraid, it wouldn't work, because in the original code, the lines are at the bottom too. Incl. the footer. And here, the footer does not work.

    It worked before, so I don't have any clue, why it does not yet...
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