Password-protected album weirdness

So, I have some password-protected albums. It used to be that when a user clicked on a password-protected album, the log-in form was displayed within my customized theme.

I'm not sure why, but for some reason the log-in form is now displayed on a plain white background with no styling whatsoever on the page.

Basically, the form used to load in my template, but now it loads in a separate blank page. However, the url stays the same.

I think this happened shortly after adding zenpage to my zenphoto install. Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions on getting the form back inside of the theme? Thanks for your help.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    This is a bug regarding password support of Zenpage. Please try the nightly and look at the zenpage default theme's news.php and pages.php to see how it needs to be adjusted (it is not in the tutorial on the Zenpage site yet).
  • Acrylian, I don't see a nightly build for zenpage on the zenpage project site. I downloaded the nightly for zenphoto and the zenpage default theme is not in there. Am I looking in the wrong place? Where should I grab the nightly you are referring to?
  • You will have to grab it directly from the SVN files--there appears not to be a zenphoto nightly build.
  • @sbillard - thanks for the link.

    @acrylian - I looked at the files and modified mine. The only changes I noticed were:

    1.) news.php:

    `if(is_NewsArticle()) {`

    changed to

    `if(is_NewsArticle() AND !checkforPassword()) {`

    2.) pages.php:

    `<?php if(!checkforPassword()) { ?>`

    added right after the opening tag for the content-left div AND

    `<?php } // password check end ?>`

    added right before the ending tag for the content-left div.

    Did I miss something, because I'm still getting the same behavior as before. I'd rather not post links to the gallery, but I would gladly email them so you can see exactly what I'm talking about. Thanks again.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You also need to update Zenpage itself, the change is not only in the theme.
  • I updated the rest of the zenpage files and the password issue went away. Awesome!

    However, I have found something new. On all the articles that are long enough to necessitate the "Read more" link, the html tags are being stripped from the text of the article when viewed on the front end. Without the <p> tags, all the paragraphs are running together. This was not happening before.

    Which file should I check? Thanks!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, that is actually something for us to check. We included the stripping of the tags for one reason: To prevent uncomplete tags cause by the shortening that would lead to validation errors. I guess we need to exclude at least the <p> tag from that . Thanks for the note.
  • That makes sense. Well, if you find a solution, I would appreciate the fix. I'll just deactivate the read more link until then.

    By the way, I think you have done an excellent job with zenpage (and zenphoto in general of course) so far. It works perfectly with gallery-focused websites. Big up!
  • Actually, the <p> tag should not have been stripped since it is the first element. And a </p> tag should also have been there un-stripped as it is added in after the truncation. The only way the <p> tag would be stripped is if the tag itself was too large to fit the truncation (unlikely, I would think.)

    Must be something else gonig on. What exactly is the text as truncated?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    @Laurent: Thanks!

    @sbillard: True, I forgot that I had thought about that and add a </p> manually after the truncation. Not sure why that can get lost.
  • I had a quite similar problem but now its solved. I just wanted to say thanks to you for making zenphoto the best gallery solution out there. Its so cool that we can use it for free - thanks for the countless hours you put into developing zenphoto!
  • can some assist me how to set up a zenphotopage .. i already installed it from ma hostin doing a little customizing .. but need it to work . like plugins etc.. i will pay..NEED IT TO BE MODIFIED
  • As before, Post once only for a request. We get annoyed by repetition and it gives you no extra priority
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