New install: access problem

I'm doing another ZP install using the current version. I did the upload and changed the zp-core folder permissions to 775. I still can't get past the Access Denied 403 error when I call the setup.php file. It's been a while since I did a new ZP install: what am I missing?


  • try 0777 for the permissions
  • I tried this - no improvement. Although I did CHMOD the zp-core folder to 777, I noticed that all of the files in that folder are still set to 644. Is this correct? I went in and changed setup.php to 777, but I still receive a 403 error when I try to load the file.
  • Everything should be 0777.
  • Apparently it's not a problem with the files: PHP doesn't respond at all. I have a trouble ticket in with the ISP to find out what's going on.

    Just for fun, I checked my last site that employs ZP. A check of permissions shows that the top folder is 777, zenphoto is 775, zp-core folder is 775, zp-config is 777, but the other files within zp-core are set to 664. Works fine.

    I will track this problem down and report back. Thanks as usual for your help.
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