Firstly, as a lurker, thanks for ZenPhoto, it is awesome!
Now on with my question. Apologies if I should have been able to find the answer - I've had no luck.
I preprocess my images for ZP using a bash shell script (which resizes, rotates, organizes into albums and adds tag info). I have been using it to add tags into the EXIF 'Keywords' entry. The entries are delimited by commas, e.g. 'Family, Birthday, Detroit, Cake'.
I have been using this for a while with success (with ZP correctly picking out each of the individual tags on import). However it seems that after one of the recent upgrades (1.2 or 1.2.1) it no longer works properly. Now ZP takes the entire 'Keywords' entry as one tag.
I've tried fiddling around a bit to see if I can work out what has changed with no luck. What is strange is that if I click on edit tags for one of these images and then click save it changes the tags from one tag into the correct individual tags.
Does anyone have any ideas what is causing this (or what I could possibly do to fix it)? Thanks in advance!
I can't believe that I missed that!
I am using EXIFtool in case it is relevant to anyone, and changing my script to loop and add in the keywords individually worked a treat. The relevant command (to append another 'Keyword' entry goes something like...
exiftool -Keywords+="$KEYWORD" $FILENAME
Thanks again for the help!