Posssible bugs

Hi all,

I use Adobe LightRoom 2.1 to manage my pictures and i use the IPTC fields to tags with french letters : "éèàû .../..."
This letters doesn't display well in zenphoto. For exemple when i wrote : théâtre it's it display : théâtre at the top of the picture and it is correctly display at the bottom.

So i decide to look in the database with phpmyadmin and i so this :

`théâtre` in the title field of zp_images and
`théâtre` in the desc field of zp_images.

The desc field display correctly.

Hope you understand me



  • Yes, there are problems in zenphoto 1.2 handling accented characters. Zenphoto 1.2.1 might be better, but for all the fixes you would need to be running the nightly builds.
  • I put the last nightly and it's works great.

    Thanks a lot

  • @sbillard

    Are the changes in the Charset problem over for now, as I just tried the nightly and have no changes what so ever.
  • No changes are pending.
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