Random 403 errors

Hi there!
I installed zen photo yesterday and all was well.. today when I view my gallery - there are random images missing, when I refresh - they may re-appear or I may get a 403 error for the whole page. Sometimes when I refresh - the whole thing loads fine... it just seems very random.

My error log shows lots of these:

Sat Apr 8 06:42:06 2006] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /home/h30org/public_html/zen/zen/i.php
[Sat Apr 8 06:42:06 2006] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /home/h30org/public_html/zen/zen/i.php

I've double checked the permissions on the above file and others - including the images themselves and their folders..
I've e-mailed my host to check incase it is a problem at their end [as I made no changes since yesterday when it was working ok].

Any other suggestions?


  • trisweb Administrator
    Weird... Did you try upgrading to the new version? (or are you using 1.0.2 already?) Images are handled completely differently.
  • Am using 1.0.1 at the moment, take a look @ http://louiewynne.h30.org

    Will try 1.0.2 when I get a chance, will that screw this theme do ya reckon?

  • trisweb Administrator
    Nah, the theme should be okay. That's one of the weirdest things I've seen, and I'd bet it's the host's problem. These are pretty standard PHP scripts, and they should run just fine.
  • reinstalled a fresh using 1.0.2 and all works well now.

    thanks again - zenphoto saves me hours of image resizing and web coding!
  • trisweb Administrator
    You know it might have been how 1.0.1 and previous versions handle images... it uses up quite a bit of server resources, so it may have been blocking i.php for that reason.

    This was totally improved in 1.0.2 and may have solved the problem.

    Glad you're enjoying the program. :)
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