I am happy to announce the arrival of a missing Zenpage feature to easily include images from your albums into Zenpage pages and articles. More info on the Zenpage project site here:
Move the texteditorconfig.php file into zp-core/plugins/zenpage. This is a replacement of the in Zenpage included file of the same name. If you have already have customized this configuration file just add tinyzenpage to the plugin: "" call to load it and to the theme_advanced_buttons[number] where you want the button to apear.
I don't see a new texteditorconfig.php in the zip page.
One minor thing, one of the times I selected a image in the tinyzenpage editor and then closed the editor I found all of my text in the article I was adding the image to had disappeared. As I had not updated the article, I reloaded the article, text was still there and tried again and it all seemed OK. Using Safari 3.1.2
What I did was: Insert cursor in written article, open tinyzenpage editor, do NOT select a album first but change the 'Link Type' and/or 'Text wrap' first then select an album, choose an image, close the tinyzenpage editor - text gone and no image entered!
Of course why would I not select the album first? I'm just illogical I guess!
Any album that I have with a apostrophe in it, the images fail to load... so names like "Mr. George's Birthday" fails..
Also, I noticed it does hard links? I guess if for some reason, the website url changed.. then all the links go wrong. Something to think about, nothing too big right now.
@albeezie: Good point, but I there are reasons for that actually:
- I need the full path to generate the image that is inserted since I need to access the image processor within zp-core for that. But a relative path to that is different from the admin pages (`../../i.php...`) and from the site itself (`/zp-core/i.php...`). You will not see any image when inserting it on the admin pages if I use an relative path from the site's point of view and vice versa.
- I can change the path for the link itself to be relative, but I always need the webpath. If you move zenphoto from a subfolder to top level (www.domain.com/zenphoto to www.domain.com) or if you rename the subfolder from /zenphoto to /gallery it will also not work since TinyMCE pages and articles are not dynamic. They are static html. So the folder will always be missing or wrong/not updated if you change somthing.
Do you see the dilemma? (In case I missed something myself let me know....)EDIT: Apostrophes in folder/filenames are problematic. They do not work for me in general so I just avoid them old school style (that behaviour has proofed for me to still be the most secure even if I know it should generall work...). Anyway, I had tried encodings but the encoding of slashes also breaks the url.
Oh well I seem to be making a habit of finding problems no one else has...
I just checked it on Firefox 3.0.3 for mac and don't get the problem (I do get different text wrapping though, text wrap right seems to drop the text bottom right of the image, on safari it stays top right).
So it must be something with my system and safari, Im on 10.4.11 ppc.