how to make server change

hello everybody,

i would like to transfer my installation to a new server and also transfer data. so here is what i had done.

1. install a blank 1.2.1 on my new server
2. import the database from old server
3. copy the "albums" folder to the new server

the result:
zenphoto is running, but all album descriptions and comments are gone away :-( the date of every album is correct. is there a better way to transfer the data?



  • d´oh, 5 minutes after post, i found the solution...

    now i have another problem. the german characters are not show correctly, what can i do?

    thank you :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Check the encoding setting of your db and zenphoto installation. It should all be utf8. Also note that german characters in filenames /folder names are not supported on all servers.
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