Search by exact number or word

I’m creating albums whit marathon pictures. I need search images by exact numbers (runner numbers) but if I write 1, Zenphoto Show me 1 and also 1200, 156, 5421 (for example)
I write the numbers in “description” or “location” like keywords.
I read the post “Search Tags by exact phrase” but I can’t work whit tags because I Need enter numbers whit CVS tables (Some times I will be enter one thousand numbers) and the tags databases turn out to be not very practical.

How can I modify this?
Thanks so much for your help


  • The current nightly build has an option for making tags seraches exact. So you can install the nightly build and enable this feature. You will find it in the admin/gallery configuration section in the search fields seletor. Scroll down to the tags element and check it. also check the radio button for exact.

    Then you will have to tag each image with the runner #.
  • Thanks for your answer. I installed the nigthly build, but the exact option is only for tags and I need exact search for the“description” field. What code line do I have to change in class-search.php to do this.

    Thanks in advance.
  • Searching for an exact match on fields other than tags is not practical.
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