problems with tags

Hi, I've just noticed that when I edit the title of an image (which I have already filled and saved its tags before) it changes the tags too.
For example "this is a tag" becomes "this%2Bis%2Ba%2Btag" and so on for every special characters.

I use ZP 1.2.1 [2756] nightly version with Zenpage and multilingual mode on.


  • I assume you are using the front end editing. What happens if you refresh the screen?

    Edit: I have just tried this and did not see the problem. So we will undoubtably need more information. I used the `default theme` for my tests.
  • Hi Stephen,
    in fact this problem appears when I edit datas (title, desc...) through the admin panel.
    It works fine (no problem) when I edit tags through the "online system" (logged as admin and directly editing tags image by image through image.php).
    I use a modified theme based on zenpage-default (but, as far as I know, it doesn't seem to be the problem if you consider what I wrote above).
  • Sorry, but I am not understanding what you are saying. Tag editing is on a different page from the image info. All you can do on the image page is select which tags you want associated with the image. You have to go to the Tags tab to change one.

    At any rate, I edited a descripton in the back-end and did not see the problem you describe. Maybe a step-by-step would be useful.
  • Ok, I wasn't clear. Let's try again.
    1. I upload a picture
    2. I edit the title, the desc and the tags through the admin panel (edit>albums>images) and save them.
    3. Oh my god I made a mistake with the title, so I edit it (and only it) through the admin panel and save again.
    4. Oh my god all the tags became weird : "this is a tag" became "this%2Bis%2Ba%2Btag" and this is the same thing for every images appearing previously on the edit page.
    5. If I edit the tags directly on the image page of my theme (image.php) logged as an admin, I can edit the tags correctly without problems but as soon as I edit something (title, desc...) through the admin panel I get this problem with the tags of every image appearing on the edit page.

    I wish I could be clearer.
    Do you get it ?
  • Oh my god.
  • Well, I cannot reproduce this problem. Anyone else having the trouble?
  • Hmmm. Maybe it does that because I must disable javascript if I want to edit datas through the admin panel.
    Could it be the cause of my problem in this case ?
  • Anything is possible, but I don't know why javascript would be involved other than in the showing/hiding of the fields.
  • Hi,
    using the zenphoto version 1.2.1 [2941] nightly, I have'nt this problem anymore, so this is solved.
    Thank you for your time.
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