Hi, I've just noticed that when I edit the title of an image (which I have already filled and saved its tags before) it changes the tags too.
For example "this is a tag" becomes "this%2Bis%2Ba%2Btag" and so on for every special characters.
I use ZP 1.2.1 [2756] nightly version with Zenpage and multilingual mode on.
Edit: I have just tried this and did not see the problem. So we will undoubtably need more information. I used the `default theme` for my tests.
in fact this problem appears when I edit datas (title, desc...) through the admin panel.
It works fine (no problem) when I edit tags through the "online system" (logged as admin and directly editing tags image by image through image.php).
I use a modified theme based on zenpage-default (but, as far as I know, it doesn't seem to be the problem if you consider what I wrote above).
At any rate, I edited a descripton in the back-end and did not see the problem you describe. Maybe a step-by-step would be useful.
1. I upload a picture
2. I edit the title, the desc and the tags through the admin panel (edit>albums>images) and save them.
3. Oh my god I made a mistake with the title, so I edit it (and only it) through the admin panel and save again.
4. Oh my god all the tags became weird : "this is a tag" became "this%2Bis%2Ba%2Btag" and this is the same thing for every images appearing previously on the edit page.
5. If I edit the tags directly on the image page of my theme (image.php) logged as an admin, I can edit the tags correctly without problems but as soon as I edit something (title, desc...) through the admin panel I get this problem with the tags of every image appearing on the edit page.
I wish I could be clearer.
Do you get it ?
Could it be the cause of my problem in this case ?
using the zenphoto version 1.2.1 [2941] nightly, I have'nt this problem anymore, so this is solved.
Thank you for your time.