I am using the latest release 2.1 and I can't get the images in the albums to sort by their file name in descending order. I have both the sub-album and image sort by file name with the descending check box checked, yet the images do not get reordered. For good measure I also tried to set the gallery default to sort by image name, descending, yet the images stay in the original sort order which was date, ascending.
Is there anything I can do to resort the images by their file name but in descending order?
that the id's are sequential so sorting descending by id would be the same as sorting descending by file name. Anyway, it is a nice feature if the id's are indeed random.
Anyway, I actually like this "feature" of pseudo-randomness, wanted or not, because the images in the album look better if they are taken out of their shooting sequence and then re-mixed, at least for this album which is a very long sequence of portrait shots.
In case you are interessted here is a simplified diagram about how Zenphoto works: http://www.zenphoto.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/zenphoto-12-image-discovery12.pdf
In administration I set up: Options > gallery configuration > Sort gallery by: Date (descending is UNticked).
But when I go to Edit > click on the gallery name to edit the presets > Sort images by: Date (descending is UNticked). HERE is a problem, when I try to save this UNTICKED preset, it automatically jumps back, after I click on the "save album" button.
I use version 1.2.2 [2983]
Do you know where the problem could be?