New install, keep getting told to re-run setup

hi, i managed to finally get zenphoto installed but i keep running into this message in admin settings.
"Zenphoto has detected a change in your installation.

The change detected may not be critical but you should run setup at your earliest convenience."

I only get 2 warnings when i run setup.

1 PHP version 5.3.21

PHP Version 5.2 or greater is required. Version 5.4 or greater is strongly recommended. Use earlier versions at your own risk.


2 MySQL version 5.0.96

MySQL Version 5.0.0 or greater is required. Version 5.5.0 or greater is preferred. Use a lower version at your own risk.

i have no control over these 2 errors as it is what my host has on their server.
but they still keep triggering the run setup message.

what can i do to stop it.



  • Those errors have nothing to do with setup re-running. That problem is still under investigation as it happens only on some servers. There is an issue ticket about it on GitHub if you wish to participate in discovering the cause.
  • fuz Member
    ok thanks for the information on that.
    everything else seems to check out fine.

    but is there any way to stop that message i get,?
    its annoying seeing the..

    "Zenphoto has detected a change in your installation.

    The change detected may not be critical but you should run setup at your earliest convenience."

    every time i am in the admin section.
  • No way to stop it until we figure out what causes it. But it does only show to logged in users.
  • fuz Member
    yes only shows when your logged in.
    id like to give zenphoto an honest go,
    if i can clear up a few minor issues im getting.

    i am also going through a process of problem elimination
    on my server ( m2host ) using a custom php.ini file.
    would there be another place to post information about this?
    in case its useful to others here.
    or just keep going with this thread ?
  • Best place to track problems is on our GitHub repository. The particular issue for this is . Take read, maybe you can add some information.
  • fuz Member
    thanks sbillard,
    the repository version resolved that issue i had to.
    note: also on my m2host server i needed to place copy of my custom php.ini file in 3 places (to over-ride server defaults)
    1-zenphotos root folder
    2-zp-core folder
    3-zp-core/setup folder

    thought id mention that in case someone else with shared hosting experiences issues.
  • I've seen that PHP issue before. It is a bit of a pain in the but, but seems needed by some servers. Maybe you should ask if they can configure the server to look up-level if there is not a PHP.ini file in the folder they are examining.
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