I don't use typical "blog" software. My website is written from scratch to suit my needs. So the Wordpress plugin for ZenPhoto does me no good. Also, my gallery is on a different subdomain than my web site. So, I've written a ZenPhoto addon(?) to allow me to get a thumbnail from my gallery and post it to my web site.
* Retrieves images from the gallery based on the image filename. So you can move the image around between albums, move the parent album around, or whatever and not have to change the old thumbnail link.
* Returns thumbnails in a default size or any requested size.
* Will return a JSON object for integration into whatever web application you decide to write. It uses a server-side proxy to retrieve the data; so it should be safe against XSS injection.
* Requires a *NIX host. The script relies on the `find` utility.
* Has some hard coded paths at the moment.
You can see an example of the script in action at
http://james.roomfullofmirrors.com/extthumb_example.html. You can get the script from
I hope you find it useful. It should be easy to use with any sort of web page.