New illustration website using WP and Zenphoto

I've just finished which is an illustration/screenprinting portfolio for a mate of mine...

Blog section and static pages powered by Wordpress, image gallery powered by Zenphoto....

Big big big thanks to the Zenphoto team (and to Wei Chen and Rui Cruz for their Wordpress plugins), without whom this site wouldn't have been possible.

Contrustructive critisicm welcome as ever!




  • Not that it means anything to be but it may to the developers.. but you didnt credit zenphoto or wordpress for the site even though you are using it. It might be nice to atleast give a mention on atleast 1 page since you are using their work.. I see you gave a credit to yourself on the contact page.. an honerable mention to the hardwork processing the ages would be the right thing to do..

    Otherwise, pretty nice site, I love the integration and the flow of the website.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Recognition isn't required from us, though we do appreciate it. If you're using it on a site where that kind of thing is out of place, it's completely understandable. No worries.
  • hey guys, you know what i didn't even think to add a credit on the site, to be honest i need to ask it's owner about that but might be able to sort something out on the portfolio pages.

    HOWEVER, if you check my blog you'll see that I've given a big public thankyou to the Zenphoto team and the plugin authors:

    PS. I did the whole site for free so I know what it's like to burn the candle at both ends when you should be working on other stuff ;-)
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