Hi all,
What I'd like to do seems simple enough, but some searching and digging around hasn't been able to provide me with the answer I'm looking for...
What I'd like to do is to have the homepage of my zenphoto site display all of the photos from my most recently created gallery. So basically the homepage acts as a gallery page.
Is this possible, and if so how would I go about accomplishing it? Thanks in advance.
You will have to do some investigation on how to decide which album is most recent. Once you have that, just setup the album as the current album and use the next image loop. See the functions guide for various functions which may be of help.
Sorry for the huge delay, my photo project got placed on the backburner.
No, my home page is not different from my gallery page. My home page will be the gallery page of whichever gallery is newest.
Is there any easy way just to make the homepage of my zenphoto installation the newest gallery page?
Thanks so much.
What I have used is: <?php printLatestAlbums(1) ?> which isn't displaying anything, what have I done wrong?
If you want the images of the latest album you can use `printLatestImages()` that has also the option for a specific album. Of course you have to set the number of images to the same number that album has images.
If that all does not fit you probably will have to write your own function using the classes methods.
The code above is outputting:
But no image is displaying.
Having said that, I suppose this isn't even the solution I want as it will only be displaying a link to the album and the album thumbnail, whereas I want all of the images to be displayed from that album.
Looks like I will be looking into `printLatestImages()`.