You get that when just clicking on the button? I have to admÃt I don't know.
I know the file manager that I have just adapted has its own session based security settings but actually I don't use that.
I still have an unresolved issue that image preview thumbs etc are not working my server but on my local setup and on the server of my collegue sbillard also. That might be related.
yes, i get that just by simply clicking on it. i got that same thing before when i clicked on the browse button in the "insert image" pop-up box, but that was solved because of the great addition of tinyZenpage. But yes, they both give the same message just by clicking on the button.
thanks anyways, i'll just check back later for more info!
Sorry that I don't have any idea. The file manager does let me include files but I can't use its own upload function but FTP is much more convenient anyway. The current workaround if you want to work only with file formats Zenphoto supports would be to use an unpublished album as "storage" folder.
Hi as I just startet using ZenPhoto and ZenPage, I also ran into this problem, and solved by changing the access rights on the following directory, as following:
Had the same issue - to fix I edited /zp-core/plugins/tiny_mce/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/inc/config.tinymce.php and in lines 51 and 52 modified the path to my uploaded folder.
I then ensured also that the uploaded directory and also /zp-core/plugins/tiny_mce/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/session directory was writeable and the two files in it writable also.
Those fixes seem to do something in 1.2.7, but still leave me short. At least we have the hidden gallery workaround to use. I see Zenpage as that extra free gift you get with Zenphoto, so I can't complain, but it's a shame that the image manager is not so reliable. Would be nice to clean up the TinyMCE window in Zenpage. I fall a little short in those skills, though.
With a properly setup server you should not have to make the folder accessable by all. But if you do, then you can set the permissions to loose in setup.
Sorry, that file manager is a third party product that can use it's own password protection (as it can be used standalone like it is basically on the "Manage files" button). That session is actually not needed but somehow it always tries to use it. Setting the permisions on that folder/files is the only way round. We choose not to hack third party tools we adapt/use too much as we surely will forget about things in case of an update...
I know the file manager that I have just adapted has its own session based security settings but actually I don't use that.
I still have an unresolved issue that image preview thumbs etc are not working my server but on my local setup and on the server of my collegue sbillard also. That might be related.
thanks anyways, i'll just check back later for more info!
chmod -R 777 zp-core/plugins/tiny_mce/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/session
Hopes that it also solves your problems
I then ensured also that the uploaded directory and also /zp-core/plugins/tiny_mce/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/session directory was writeable and the two files in it writable also.
All sweet and working
1. tiny_mce / plugins / session - Folder (777)
2. tiny_mce / plugins / session - gc_counter.ajax.php - File (777)
3. tiny_mce / plugins / session - gc_log.ajax.php.php - File (777)
4. tiny_mce / plugins / ajaxfilemanager / session - Folder (777)
5. tiny_mce / plugins / ajaxfilemanager / session - gc_counter.ajax.php - File (777)
6. tiny_mce / plugins / ajaxfilemanager / session - gc_log.ajax.php.php - File (777)