No image, just a link

Hi !

After installing successfully zenphoto (, I still have some troubles with images display: if I click on a thumbnail, I just have the link to the real image instead of the image itself.

Based on this topic <>, I tried to upload some small images and it works fine. Therefore, it seems to be the same trouble...

Any hints ? I checked in the config.php file but didn't find anything...


  • trisweb Administrator
    That is a very weird bug, especially seeing it twice now...

    It seems to have something to do with the size of the image, you're right. The thumbs show up fine, as do the smaller originals...

    I'm going to do some testing on your server and see what I can find...
  • trisweb Administrator
    Hey Maps -- If you know PHP well, go into i.php and add a debugging print statement before everything that says "return".

    I want to see if the script is exiting because of my statements, or because of maybe some memory limitation in GD...
  • Sorry for the delay...

    I'm not sure to understand what you want... I can edit whatever you want (i found the i.php in the zen directory) but I don't know enough about PhP to understand that part: "add a debugging print statement before everything that says "return""

    Can you be more precise so that I can do the job ?

    (and what is GD ? seems that I didn't understand a word of your reply :D)

    Thx !
  • trisweb Administrator
    Sorry... that was a big "If" there. :) Don't worry about it for now... perhaps I'll send you an edited file that has some debugging info added.
  • After a few tests, here is what I found :

    - it seems to be based on the resolution of the image, not the size (different quality of jpeg on the same image show the same problem)

    - images a bit bigger than 3 Mpix are not displayed but the thumbnails are

    - images < 3 Mpix but very large or tall are displayed but their thumbnails are not (tested with 150*20,000pix and 20,000*150pix images)

    Some tests here :

    If it can help...
  • trisweb Administrator
    Very strange behavior. Is it filed as a bug in berlios? I'll have to look at it later.
  • Interestingly, it seems to happen just on but not on where everything works fine ! Maybe a problem of php on

    Anyway, everything's perfect now, then, end of the story !

    Thanks again for this wonderful software !
  • I am getting the same problem. I uploaded a set of images fine, but now I am trying to upload more images and they are not working.
  • Here are the errors that I recieve when trying to view the image that should display (the actual image displays, but not the zp version).

    Warning: imagejpeg(): Unable to open '/home/bludrop/public_html/chusy/pictures/cache/camp-chusy-day-2_IMG_0465.JPG_595.jpg' for writing in /home/bludrop/public_html/chusy/pictures/zen/i.php on line 88

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/bludrop/public_html/chusy/pictures/zen/i.php:88) in /home/bludrop/public_html/chusy/pictures/zen/i.php on line 96

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/bludrop/public_html/chusy/pictures/zen/i.php:88) in /home/bludrop/public_html/chusy/pictures/zen/i.php on line 97

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/bludrop/public_html/chusy/pictures/zen/i.php:88) in /home/bludrop/public_html/chusy/pictures/zen/i.php on line 98

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/bludrop/public_html/chusy/pictures/zen/i.php:88) in /home/bludrop/public_html/chusy/pictures/zen/i.php on line 100

    Warning: fopen(/home/bludrop/public_html/chusy/pictures/cache/camp-chusy-day-2_IMG_0465.JPG_595.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/bludrop/public_html/chusy/pictures/zen/i.php on line 101
  • trisweb Administrator
    That looks like a permissions problem on the cache directory - viewing images actually processes and writes them by the way; it's all done on the fly.

    Make sure your cache directory is chmod 777.
  • Thanks so much. It works great.
  • Podz Member
    I just had this problem - it all worked great yesterday and this morning it doesn't.
    Tried everything here - no go.

    Had a poke around and found I'd filled my disk quota - so stopping things working.

    Increased that and all is good.
    No idea if this will help anyone but hey, you never know :)
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