"Can not load image" box During Full Image View

Current Theme: zenpage-default

After I click on a thumbnail in the gallery I enter the single image page, and when I want to see the full size image (or larger size image) I click on the image itself to load the larger size. But while it's loading in the new popped up "dark" window, it first shows a small white box with a red "X" in it. The icon we normally see in browsers when there is a dead image link. But after awhile (when the larger image has been downloaded, I assume) the larger image shows up suddenly.

The problem here is if I didn't know I had to wait 20 seconds for the larger image to load, I would've just thought it was a dead link because of that red "X" icon. Any suggestions?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That "x" is probably because the loading bar of thickbox (what is used for that) is not loaded. That your image takes 20 seconds is because that loads the full image and if that is quite large that takes more time.
  • ic...do you have any suggestions as to how to avoid or change it so the "x" image will not show? because i don't want my viewers to think it's not loading and just close the window before the full image is displayed.
  • That x is a browser thing. The only thing you can do is make your images smaller or your connection to the internet faster so that the image does not take so long to load. 20 seconds is a long time for any image.
  • Hi, I think there is still mistake in the code and the loading bar (image *.gif) is not displayed. I have album on the server in custom named folder (forum) and than occures the problem. If you have album directly on server image loads I assume. Change in the code helped.
  • How have you set up the album folder?
  • My solutin which works just fine!:


    var zppath = "<?php if (ZENFOLDER) echo '/'.ZENFOLDER; ?>";

    replaced by
    var zppath = "<?php if (ZENFOLDER) echo WEBPATH .'/'.ZENFOLDER; ?>";
  • That change seems resonable. However, I am not sure I understand what problem you were having. That path is used only for the thickbox animation. That seems different from the topic of this thread.
  • Now I see it is different topic. I was searching for solution for my problem with thickbox animation and misunderstood the topic :D Thanks Klimas - yabasta.cz/zenphoto
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