Current Theme: zenpage-default
After I click on a thumbnail in the gallery I enter the single image page, and when I want to see the full size image (or larger size image) I click on the image itself to load the larger size. But while it's loading in the new popped up "dark" window, it first shows a small white box with a red "X" in it. The icon we normally see in browsers when there is a dead image link. But after awhile (when the larger image has been downloaded, I assume) the larger image shows up suddenly.
The problem here is if I didn't know I had to wait 20 seconds for the larger image to load, I would've just thought it was a dead link because of that red "X" icon. Any suggestions?
var zppath = "<?php if (ZENFOLDER) echo '/'.ZENFOLDER; ?>";
replaced by
var zppath = "<?php if (ZENFOLDER) echo WEBPATH .'/'.ZENFOLDER; ?>";