Version 1.2.2. New printalbummenu() file gives error

I'm using the 'old' print_album_menu.php file now from 1.2.1, because the new one gives me this error and then the page stops loading:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: parthurlencode() in /srv/jackdaw/www/ on line 418



  • If you are getting this error there is something serious wrong with your installation. This function is defined in functions-basic.php which is loaded always.
  • Just to be sure I did a complete new install: downloaded the 1.2.2. files again, deleted ALL the files from my server except the zp-config.php file and the album and cache folders, but still I get this error message.
    And ofcourse I ran setup.php again with no error messages...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If that really reads `parthurlencode()` there is probably indeed a typo. There should be a function named `pathurlencode()`be used. I will check that.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yep, a typo. Corrected in the svn.
  • You have a sharp eye for typo's ;). I'm glad there was nothing else wrong.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Probably not that sharp because then it did not have been there in the first place...:-)
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