Thumbs not appearing/looking funny

I downloaded the new version of Zen Photo today, updated my gallery, and now I'm having issues with my album thumbnails.

1) I have custom thumbails and use the code below to generate them:

`printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle(), null, 180, 110, null, null);`

Since the update, the images look stretched out and just not right. Can someone explain to me if something changed in the way the thumbs are generated? I tried searching the forum and the user guide, and tried a few different things, including purging the cache, but nothing made a difference.

2) I use the image_album_statistics plugin to print a short list of my latest albums along the sidebar. Since I updated, the list is generated, but the thumbnail images do not show up. The only code I have for that is:

`printLatestUpdatedAlbums(4, true);`

From the source code:


Missy Higgins

On my archive page, I use `printPopularImages();` and `printMostRatedImages();` and those are functioning as they should.

All of these worked fine before the update. Any help anyone can provide would be appreciated. My gallery can be found at here.


  • Check this topic:

    I had the same problem, but with the new files you can just use the standard template function printImageThumb(getAnnotatedImageTitle()) to get what you want.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1.: If you want to use thumbs in the size set in the options `printImageThumb()` indeed can be used, either if there cropping is set or not. But for cropped custom album thumbs you actually use the right function. It seems still to work great in my theme. I use `printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle(), NULL, 235, 110, 235, 110);` and that works. Anyway, we will take a look.

    If you want uncropped thumbs with a special size of 180x110 that is not the one of the options you need to use `getCustomAlbumThumbMaxSpace()`. Note that the maxspace funcions still contain some bugs in 1.2.2 that have been (hopefully finally) corrected in the nightly/svn.

    2. With adding the maxspace functions we changed some things in the image generating for album thumbs. Probably a side effect on the statistics did escape us. I guess we need to take a look there, too.
  • Thanks for the info. I figured out the thumbnail image sizes thing.

    As for the image thumbs not showing up with image statistics, when will that be worked out? I downloaded the most recent SVN, but nothing's changed.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, I forgot totally about that, other issues occupied us. Thanks for the reminder. Also I plan to integrate parameters so you can set the thumbs size directly without hacking. I will look into that as soon as possible but may take a while (Xmas time, you know..:-)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Was easier than expected. Fix is in svn and also there are now options for thumb size/crop.
  • Thanks for the update! I can see the thumbnails now!

    FYI, though, with the tag suggest plugin turned on, I was getting the errors below:

    Notice: Undefined index: ' in /home/xxxx/public_html/gallery/zp-core/functions-basic.php on line 103

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxxx/public_html/gallery/zp-core/functions-basic.php:103) in /home/xxxx/public_html/gallery/index.php on line 100

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxxx/public_html/gallery/zp-core/functions-basic.php:103) in /home/xxxx/public_html/gallery/index.php on line 101

    I turned off the plugin as having the images working is more important to me than the tag suggest, but just thought I'd pass on word about the error.
  • Interesting. What version PHP do you have?

    Anyway, I believe a fix for this would be to change the code in functions-basic.php circa line 103 from:
    if($translation_table["'"] != ''') {
    $translation_table["'"] = ''';

    `$translation_table["'"] = ''';`

    Let me know if this resolves the problem. (I am not seeing the error on my installation.)
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