I'm having a problem with the slideshow view not working in a ZenPhoto gallery on a site I set up for a client. Clicking on the slideshow link results in an "object not found" error, which I understand is ZenPhoto's version of a 404.
It seems to be related to mod_rewrite, because when I turn that off, the slideshow does work. So going to example.com/gallery/index.php?album=children&view=slideshow# works, but example.com/gallery/children/slideshow (with mod_rewrite enabled) does not. But I know the server does support mod_rewrite, so something must just be misconfigured in the gallery or the theme.
It's using ZenPhoto 1.1.3 and a modified version of the ThinkDreams template. Now, I know that ZenPhoto only supports the themes that come bundled with it, but if someone can at least point me in the direction of what part of a theme's code might result in this, so that I can tinker around on my own and see if I can fix it, that would be great. If anyone out there has specific experience with ThinkDreams and knows what quirks it might have, even better.