filter on the image filename


I have installed zenphoto with dotclear, I upload photos with dotclear, but dotclear creates "image.jpg", ".image_s.jpg", ".image_sq.jpg", ".image_m.jpg", ".image_t.jpg" and ".image_l.jpg" files.

Is it possible to have filter to exlude .(dot)file ?

Thank you in advance,



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What is dotclear?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, never heard of this one. So I assume with "upload with dotclear" you mean probably that you use its own media management function? Uploading via Zenphotos own backend or directly via ftp will solve that issue. Otherwise there is no way to exclude these file without hacking Zenphoto. Zenphoto just takes everything that is within the albums folder.
  • Yes, I (and the others users) use the media management function of dotclear. Having two ways for posting (text and photos) is too complicated for the users.
    I try to restricted access with .htaccess file before hacking core.
    Thank for Your help
  • It's pretty straightforward to accomplish this via an image_filter plugin. Zenphoto team provides sample to start with here:

    My dot file specific implementation:

    Drop either in your zenphoto\plugins folder and enable via admin > plugins tab
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