1.2.2 - encoding problems


I still have the same problem with this new version of Zenphoto.
I've got a big - say huge - database of already tagged pictures. All the tags where added via different software under Windows (acdsee, etc.)

here is an example of one of these pictures, tagged.


I don't find a way to get my tagged well-formed. All the particular char "à", "é", "ê" etc. are cut during the generation of the zenphoto database.

is there anything to do with this problem ?

Thank's a lot for you incredible work on ZenPhoto,


Here is a link to a test-gallery : http://maxime.goepp.free.fr/zenphoto/index.php
french people will able to see how every "particular" words are cut after the special char.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please try the nightly as suggested here: http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=4442#post-26444
  • Hi and thank you for your answer,

    i'll try the nightly, but in fact, it is the same suggession than somebody made me a few month ago, for the same problem, with another version of ZenPhoto, and the problem was not solve.

    could you try to use my image (http://maxime.goepp.free.fr/zenphoto/albums/montfort/pano_7_g.jpg ) into one of your ZenPhoto instance ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, but these encoding stuff is really a pain... Within a few month always a lot changes, we are constantly improving things (or try the best to do so).

    Anyway, I quickly tested your image on my local install and everything seems fine. I got this from the exif:
    Title: Détail
    Description: Vue rapprochée de l'ornement des chapiteaux

    That was the latest svn with the default theme.

    PS: nice pictures, I love these old castles..:-)
  • "Vue rapprochée de l'ornement des chapiteaux" this is it !

    can it be a problem of my database ? I mean, does the install method set the charset of the tables ?

    actualy, the charset encoding of all zenphoto tables is 'utf8_unicode_ci'. I figure it is defined by the 'Encodage' menu in the config set of option but ... I'm not sure :)
  • what about this option in the config file ?

    // If you are having problems with displaying some characters you may have to change the following.
    $conf['UTF-8'] = true;
  • If all your images have their descriptions in the IPTC data you can just drop your tables, re-run Setup (using the current nightly) and all should be fine. Zenphoto will reload the descriptions from the image.

    BUT, of course, if you have done any editing in zenphoto, that will all be lost when you drop the database. So how you procede is up to you.
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