Zenphoto on local server

I want to install zenphoto 1.22 on my local computer for testing. I 've instaled apache 2.2.10, mysql 5.0.67 winx64, php 5.28 win32, phpmyadmin 3.1.1 all languages. Everything working on Windows Vista x64. Another php pages working without problems. On instalation screen of zenphoto there is only problem:
'PHP setlocale() failed

Locale functionality is not implemented on your platform or the specified locale does not exist. Language translation may not work.
See the troubleshooting guide on zenphoto.org for details.'

but the same I have on my webserwer and there is no problem with script.

Everything instaling ok, admin panel works ok, but on normal pages I have:
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( SELECT DISTINCT zp_images.filename, zp_images.title, zp_albums.folder FROM zp_images INNER JOIN zp_albums ON zp_images.albumid = zp_albums.id GROUP BY zp_images.title ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1 ) failed. Error: Table 'galeria.zp_images' doesn't exist


MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO zen_images (filename, albumid) VALUES ('001_Panorama_wybrzeza_Libia.jpg', '3'); ) failed. Error: Field 'id' doesn't have a default value
and don't see any photos :(

Is that problem with mysql or php ? What can I change on my server ?

Best Regards


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The setlocale things is actually nothing that prevents zenphoto from running, its just that translations will not work since we entirely rely on setlocale and native gettext() support.

    If a table does not exist, the setup-program did not run or run properly. Try to run setup again (zp-core/setup.php) or try a clean reinstall.

    I am running Zenphoto locally on a MAMP environments on a Mac since ever without ever encountering these..

    Please report if anything helps.
  • I created new clear database in phpmyadmin and install again. In instalation there was not any information that samething goes wrong. New installation did not help :( Still admin panel works good without edit section where I have message:

    Zenphoto Error
    MySQL Query ( UPDATE `zen_images` SET `width` = '1000', `height` = '350', `date` = '', `title` = '001_Panorama_wybrzeza_Libia', `mtime` = '1215095082' WHERE id=1; ) failed. Error: Incorrect datetime value: '' for column 'date' at row 1

    In gallery:
    Zenphoto Error
    MySQL Query ( UPDATE `zen_images` SET `width` = '600', `height` = '800', `date` = '', `title` = '003_amfiteatr_ptolemais', `mtime` = '1215095091' WHERE id=3; ) failed. Error: Incorrect datetime value: '' for column 'date' at row 1

    Maybe it's samething with access to files ? Could samone write my good configuration of phpini file for zenphoto ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Hm, I have no idea why these errors occur. I don't think it has to do with the file access, but you could check the permissions if 777.

    Actually you should not need a special phpini config, I basically run it with the standard settings (I set only one mbstring setting on my local install as our setup recommends) on my local and my site without any issues.

    I am sure sbillard will have an better idea.
  • Date should never be being set to an empty string. So, something has gone wrong. Please find the line in functions-basic.php which reads `define('DEBUG_ERROR', false); // set to true to supplies the calling sequence with zp_error messages` and change the `false` to `true`. This line will be at or about line 14 of the file.

    This will add some information to the error message which will help us find out what is going wrong.
  • I change this line and in gallery have:

    Zenphoto Error
    MySQL Query ( UPDATE `zen_images` SET `width` = '600', `height` = '466', `date` = '', `title` = '008_bazylika_zachodnia_ptolemais', `mtime` = '1215095101' WHERE id=8; ) failed. Error: Incorrect datetime value: '' for column 'date' at row 1


    in query (classes.php [331])
    in PersistentObject->save (class-image.php [102])
    in Image->Image (functions.php [1918])
    in newImage (class-album.php [599])
    in Album->sortImageArray (class-album.php [507])
    in Album->getImages (class-album.php [687])
    in Album->getAlbumThumbImage (class-album.php [751])
    in Album->getAlbumThumb (template-functions.php [1060])
    in getAlbumThumb (template-functions.php [1101])
    in printAlbumThumbImage (index.php [26])
    in include (index.php [98])

    In Admin edit:

    Zenphoto Error
    MySQL Query ( UPDATE `zen_images` SET `width` = '600', `height` = '450', `date` = '', `title` = '010_odeon_ptolemais_libia', `mtime` = '1215095102' WHERE id=10; ) failed. Error: Incorrect datetime value: '' for column 'date' at row 1


    in query (classes.php [331])
    in PersistentObject->save (class-image.php [102])
    in Image->Image (functions.php [1918])
    in newImage (class-album.php [599])
    in Album->sortImageArray (class-album.php [507])
    in Album->getImages (class-album.php [687])
    in Album->getAlbumThumbImage (class-album.php [751])
    in Album->getAlbumThumb (admin-functions.php [1339])
    in printAlbumEditRow (admin.php [1053])

    I hope this help. Maybe You want my phpini file ?
  • Actually, what I would like is `001_Panorama_wybrzeza_Libia` image. Can you create a ticket for this problem and attach that image to the ticket? The above information has been quite helpful. Thanks.
  • Hi,

    I have exactly the same problem.

    I turned on debug information, like you suggested above and got almost same result:

    Zenphoto Error
    MySQL Query ( UPDATE `zp_images` SET `width` = '1024', `height` = '768', `date` = '', `title` = 'Space_1___Desktop_Wallpaper_by_Solloby', `mtime` = '1203089995' WHERE id=17; ) failed. Error: Incorrect datetime value: '' for column 'date' at row 1

    in query (classes.php [331])
    in PersistentObject->save (class-image.php [102])
    in Image->Image (functions.php [1918])
    in newImage (class-album.php [599])
    in Album->sortImageArray (class-album.php [507])
    in Album->getImages (class-album.php [687])
    in Album->getAlbumThumbImage (class-album.php [751])
    in Album->getAlbumThumb (template-functions.php [1060])
    in getAlbumThumb (template-functions.php [1101])
    in printAlbumThumbImage (index.php [26])
    in include (index.php [98])

    I am using PHP 5.2.8 and Apache 2.2.8 in Windows Server 2008. I too get only warning for setlocale() when installing.

    I didn't find ticket in Trac for this, should I set on?
  • Hi,

    By the way this seems to be Windows only problem. I tried everything on my linux box and it works ok. Same pictures, apache and php.
  • Yes, please make a ticket. Be sure to attach the image cited above. My theory is that this is a problem in handling EXIF/IPTC date fields, but I need to verify that.
  • Created ticked with one image and image of the error plus some info. Here is the link:
  • Thanks
    Everything working with current nightly build
  • Thanks. Then I guess the theory was correct. (Or maybe you are running on a Windows server which is the other thing found/fixed in this area recently.) I have not yet had the chance to look at the image you provided.
  • by Member

    I don't know if it's correlated but I had similar problems on my local installation (Apache 2.2.9; php 5.2.6 and MySQL 5.0.67).

    I solved the problem by changing 1 line in the my.ini file (MySQL ini file):


    best regards
  • I am also using zenphoto on a windows PC and it works fine with the wampserver package, even though the setlocale fails here too.
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