*Very* messed up...

I installed zenphoto at http://www.lustrare.net/chiq

However...I don't even think I installed it right, but it still works. I'm confused- do I put everything contained in the zenphoto folder into my directory?

Right now, I have done that...I don't even know if my path is right...I have

// define('WEBPATH', 'chiq/');
// define('SERVERPATH', 'chiq/');

I stink at paths, and honestly have no clue what I'm doing. I am normally very good with installing thins like this, but the direction were'nt really doing me any favors.

So now, when I try to create a new album, I get a path error, or 404 I suppose.

What I really need is an in-depth installation run through :| I can't believe I'm having so many problems with installation.


  • trisweb Administrator
    Don't worry, it's not as messed up as you think.

    Does your server support mod_rewrite? If you don't know, try this and see if it makes things work: edit the file ".htaccess" and change the RewriteBase line to:

    `RewriteBase /chiq`

    If you have mod_rewrite available and working, that should make things work.

    If it still doesn't work, edit your config.php file and set the mod_rewrite line to false like so: `$conf['mod_rewrite'] = false;` (instead of the default, `true`).

    For future reference, those path lines are just in case Zenphoto doesn't automagically detect your paths correctly. They're "commented-out" (with the `//` before them) so they have no effect unless you remove the `//`, but only do that if you think that's what's wrong. I think yours are fine.

    We'll have better documentation up as soon as we get our new Wiki up and running, within the next few weeks most likely. Sorry for the lack of it so far.
  • Thanks for the reply, trisweb.

    When I create a new album and upload a picture, a folder is created in albums, but when I go to view it, the path to the album is http://www.lustrare.net/chiq/test
    when it should be something like http://www.lustrare.net/chiq/albums/test

    Also, I can't even download and edit my .htaccess file for some reason...so I just set the mod_rewrite line to false as you said.
  • trisweb Administrator
    No, that's not true, ;-) mod_rewrite allows me to make the URL be whatever I want it to, so /chiq/test (if mod_rewrite were available) is indeed the correct path.

    Are you using a Mac? It hides those "." files, but you should still be able to get to it somehow. If not, I can send you a version without the "." and you can rename it after you edit and upload.

    But turning mod_rewrite off should work... maybe you do have a path problem?
  • I am on a Mac and it took me a while to figure out how to deal with a "." file. What I did was to go to BBedit (TextWrangler - the free text editor from BareBones should allow you to do that as well) and "Open Hidden File". Then I copied the contents of that file to a new file, saved it as "htaccess" without the ".", then uploaded it to the ftp server and renamed it right on the server by adding the "." in front.
  • Yes, I'm on a Mac- I removed the "." from the htaccess file, downloaded it, edited it, and uploaded it, and then renamed it with the period, and it worked very well- everything looks good now, thanks so much to both of you!
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