Thumbnails and Images won't display, but Full Size image is there

I uploaded a new album of photos today and the thumbnails and images do not display. If you click through to see the Full size image it is there.

After going through the forum, I reset my memory in the php.ini file--no changes. I updated to the newest version of Zenphoto--no changes. I have no idea what to try next. Please help!

Thanks in advance...


  • Please review the troubleshooting guide on this issue.
  • After using the information on the troubleshooting guide it gave me this information:

    Zenphoto Error: the requested object was not found.
    Album: paraffin-fun
    Image: prfn13.jpg.php&debug
    Page: album
    Return to Gallery

    So it is telling me the thumbnail/smaller image is not found. However, when you click on the empty box the full size image shows up in a blank window.

    What should I try next?
  • Look at the part on memory issues. Most likely you have not got enough server memory to process your images.
  • I reset it to 128 from 64 before I posted this message. Still nothing is working.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Try to disable mod_rewrite and check your error log.
  • I have disabled the rewrite 3 times and it is not changing. Where would I find an error log?
  • I have searched the Error log on my cPanel and have no errors.
  • Unfortunately, setting the memory limit in PHP is only an advisory. The server may still limit the memory allocated to the script to some smaller amount. So you should try resizing your image to WEB sized dimensions and see if that works. If not, there is probably some compatibility problem with the image and the GD library zenphoto uses.

    Last night's nightly build has added some more debugging information to the image processor. You can install that build and change the `IMAGE_DEBUG` define (functions-basic.php) to `true`. This will create a log in the zp-core folder named debug_log.txt containing information about the processing of the image. Browse to the image which is giving the problem,delete the debug_log.txt file, then refresh the image. This process gives a log of just the processing for that one image.
  • It is strange that I'd be using this gallery for months and all of a sudden am having this problem.
  • So, then what is now different?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It could be a change on your server by your ISP. So maybe ask your ISP if he updated anything that could affect that, too.

    A while back we had suddenly issues with our htaccess file that had worked for years and then for newer Apache servers it just did not anymore. It took days to find out what it was...
  • I don't know what is different I didn't change anything. My web host provider is telling me they are too big, but they are the same size images I normally use. I will have them check the htaccess file. I don't even see that file in my zenphoto files.
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