I uploaded a new album of photos today and the thumbnails and images do not display. If you click through to see the Full size image it is there.
After going through the forum, I reset my memory in the php.ini file--no changes. I updated to the newest version of Zenphoto--no changes. I have no idea what to try next. Please help!
Thanks in advance...
Zenphoto Error: the requested object was not found.
Album: paraffin-fun
Image: prfn13.jpg.php&debug
Page: album
Return to Gallery
So it is telling me the thumbnail/smaller image is not found. However, when you click on the empty box the full size image shows up in a blank window.
What should I try next?
Last night's nightly build has added some more debugging information to the image processor. You can install that build and change the `IMAGE_DEBUG` define (functions-basic.php) to `true`. This will create a log in the zp-core folder named debug_log.txt containing information about the processing of the image. Browse to the image which is giving the problem,delete the debug_log.txt file, then refresh the image. This process gives a log of just the processing for that one image.
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