Hi all,
First, in each sub-album I have a non-visible image which is the display image for the album. This means I can have an image which fits the album but isn't visible in the album.
I have just started using ZenphotoPress and unfortunately these items are shown despite their non-visible status. Also when I click on the link created by ZenphotoPress (logged in AND logged out) the image is still visible in Zenphoto.
I assume what is happening is that Zenphoto simply removes the image from listing in the album rather than blocking access to it. How can I get ZenphotoPress to also exclude those images?
Any help would be great.
I noticed this too and then I realised that I think you see-non-visible items when you are logged in as the administrator. If you log out then the non-visible items should disappear.
At the present time, ZenphotoPress does not check whether an image (or an album, for that matter) is visible or hidden.
With the fix, it won't show hidden objects anymore, regardless of the fact that the user is logged in or not.
I have noticed that and whilst logged out the images don't appear in the album when accessed through the zenphoto site but using the zenphotopress plugin the hidden images do appear in the listing.
I look forward to the fix/update. I know it's not a huge bug or anything but thanks for the help.