ZenPhotoPress Badge Image Dimensions

I would like to adjust the dimensions of the thumbnail images that the Zenphotopress badge (wordpress widget) displays in word press. Presently the widget uses 100px x 100px thumbnails. I've looked around the options page as well as poked through the php files and can't seem to find where the 100x100px is set. I am hoping I have managed to overlook something obvious. Help would be greatly appreciated.

Versions used: wordpress 2.7, zenphoto 1.2.2 [2983], ZenPhotoPress 1.5.1


  • ZenphotoPress is using the thumbnails coming from Zenphoto. If you have configured Zenphoto to use 100x100 thumbnails (I think it's the default) you'll see 100x100 thumbnails in ZenphotoPress too.
  • Ha! I should have thought of that. Thank you for the help, and thanks for a wonderful plugin.
  • thanks, i should try that!
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