Most recent thumbnails not displaying

I have a question. I'm running 1.2.2 but I even had this problem with the previous version.

I want to set the thumbnail for my albums and subalbums to "most recent."

But when I save it, it changes right back to "randomly selected." Even though the message said "changes saved."

This can't possibly be normal, so I'm wondering why it's not working for me.


  • Certainly is not normal. Are you getting any errors reported in the CGI logs? Is there any other items which will not save?
  • I was messing around further, and turned off the VisualThumb option.

    Now I can save the "most recent" thumbnails.

    Do you still need the CGI logs? I'd be happy to provide them if I knew how to retrieve them. :)
  • Probably you have some images whose dimesnsions are too large to be processed in the memory you have available. So you can try resizing those images that do not show to smaller sizes. Otherwise, yes, we would need to know what error you are getting.
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