I have been wondering how I could edit following code so that I could determine width and height of random image. I tried almost everything.
$randomImage = getRandomImages();
$randomImageURL = getURL($randomImage);
echo "
<img src='". $randomImage->getSizedImage(150) . "'
alt=\"random image\"\n" . $randomImage->getTitle() . '" />';
...and is it somehow possible to turn that random image to grey but the orginal (when clicking the link) would stay coloured.
2. There is not Zenphoto function for this but you probably can something for that using the GDLib's functions.
I meant that I could adjust the thumb size without touching <img style="width: blaa; height: blaa"....
So like
or something with working function.
There are a number of custom image thumb functions depending on what you want to accomplish. Please search the functions guide for these functions.