Request - Additional Save Button

This is just a small design feature that I would like...I am usually moving albums from the bottom to the top and the same with images in the sorting page.

It would make more sence for me to have a 'SAVE' button at the top also and not just the bottom of the album sort page and the image sort page. Is this doable?


  • It's pretty simple. Add this:
    zenSortablesSaveButton("?page=edit&saved", "Save Order");

    after: Drag the albums into the order you wish them dis.... on line (somewhere around) 442 in admin.php
  • Ive added it on mine, I was just thinking that if it made more since to other people that tristan may want to think about adding it to the official release. Thank you for helping me out though koffee =>
  • If anyone else is doing this, line 60 in albumsort.php will need this:
    <?php zenSortablesSaveButton("?page=edit&album=". $album->getFolder() . "&saved");
  • trisweb Administrator
    Good idea, makes for a better UI...

    I've been meaning to clean up all the sort screens and add a few extra features, like "send to top/bottom" or give it a number to "jump" to in the order. I've been really annoyed myself with having so many albums...
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