JFusion plug-in would allow Joomla! + ZenPhoto

Greetings good developers and contributors of ZenPhoto! My name is Erlend, and I'm a PR manager at the JFusion project. Here's a quick runthrough in case you haven't heard about it before:

JFusion is a free GPL Extension for the award winning Content Management System (CMS) Joomla. JFusion provides universal user integration, by extending the Joomla 1.5 user authentication framework without any core hacks.

With JFusion your users can login to both Joomla and the software(s) integrated by JFusion using the same username/password. No core hacks are made to either Joomla! or the integrated software(s) which has the advantage that you can upgrade your software normally without tedious reconfigurations.

JFusion has bi-directional user-sync, which means that users can be both imported and exported from Joomla.

I noticed there had already been a couple of discussions about this, probably the most interesting one being the one where Chilifrei64 actually seemed to be in the process of experimenting with such a solution.

What we are looking for, is one or two programmers well affiliated with both ZenPhoto and Joomla! to join the JFusion team as a dedicated developer of the JFusion ZenPhoto plug-in. This plug-in would allow for effortless integration between ZenPhoto and Joomla! without conflicting with any of the other bridges.

I sincerely hope someone will get in touch. You can reach me at e.soghe at gmail until the end of December, after which you should try get in touch with mariusvr at gmail.


The JFusion Development Team


  • I installed Joomla 1.5, with JFusion. This is an awesome combination. Users only have to login ONCE, and JFusion handles the sessions for all other databases that are enabled in JFusion. A Universal Login is an awesome idea.

    So, the main purpose is the Universal Login, but JFusion also transfers and syncs data between databases and maintains them automatically.

    I really think developers should take JFusion seriously. It's the most significant mod in the entire library at Joomla, in my opinion. Developers are writing mods, components, plugins, programs like crazy but not many people are working toward an integrated solution. Not in the Open Source arena, anyway. They provide a bridge here, a plug in there... but from a website owner's point of view it's hard to pull the pieces together so they all work together. I hadn't taken much notice of Joomla until I discovered JFusion. This is an awesome mod.
  • Hello
    I'm still looking for a way to integrate ZenPhoto in Joomla. Main concern is single login, ie using Joomla user login for directly accessing zp pages without having to reenter username+password.
    (from a design point of view, puttinf ZP a
  • Hello
    I'm still looking for a way to integrate ZenPhoto in Joomla. Main concern is single login, ie using Joomla user login for directly accessing zp pages without having to reenter username+password.
    (from a design point of view, putting ZP a joomla frame is ok for me)
    Is there a plugin working now ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The 1.4.2 RC2 has a plugin called federated_logon you might need to adapt to Joomla for single login (unless you wantto login via the provided possibilities)
  • There is also HTTP logon at least in apache. A plugin to support that as well. We keep getting these "I want to integrate with Joomla" requests. Unfortunately as we know nothing of Joomla there is not much we can do to help.

    That would take someone with Joomla development experience to participate. So far that has not happened.
  • Thanks a lot for quick answer; I'll try this
  • Hi,

    I had a look to your comments

    Maybe the simplest solution should be adding to the joomla login module code a line looking like this one:

    setcookie("zenphoto_auth", md5($user.$pwd),...)

    just for creating the appropriate cookie for ZP

    (creating manually this cookie seems to work..)

  • If this code is within Zenphoto it should use the Zenphoto_authority `passwordHash()` method and the `zp_setCookie()` function. Otherwise it will likely fail in some circumstances. For instance, md5 is not used anymore for hashing, it is just for legacy installations.

    If the code is not part of Zenphoto, you really should try to find a different mechanism for the reasons above as there is really no way to make sure the code keeps current with Zenphoto.

    You can make an extension of the zenphoto authorization object that checks for Joomla cookies, for instance. Or just have both systems use a third party authorization. Zenphoto supports open authentication protocols and HTTP authentication through plugins. I do not know what joomla supports.
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