Two Errors...


I am too lazy to type, both on zenpage (i think)...
I know the second is zenpage...i forgot about the first...

Edit: I forgot to update zenphoto, im using 3055, a few days old, i will update right now see if the errors still exist...


  • errors still exist
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Do you use the latest nightly of Zenphoto and the latest Zenpage svn? There have been some fixes for this strict errors. They never broke the site at all for me or did anything, I had them just in my error log.

    I will check on the filemanger error on the first image but since this is third party software I actually won't touch at all.
  • Both errors? The second should be fixed. If not, need the line number of the error.
  • Second problem is really a real issue in the third party plugin, but we can supress the error message.
  • I got this izzue too, can any body help with it.
  • You need to run the current SVN of zenpage and zenphoto.
  • I had the latest at the time and still had both errors I believe, what 3rd party plugin, do you know?

    I will update to the latest (1 hour ago) and see what happens...
  • both still exist... i only have 6 plugins "checked"
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The 3rd party plugin that sbillard and I referred to is the Ajax File Manager that is used to manage files from outside the gallery via the "Manage files" link and from within TinyMCE.

    What errors the strict standards should not be there anymore.
  • And if you do have errors, please reproduce the error messages for us.
  • I still have the same errors from the screen shots i showed above.

    I am still confused about "Ajax File Manager" because that doesnt seem to be listed under the my plugins listed...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    So did you update Zenpage and the tinymce plugin from the latest Zenpage svn? I don't see those errors in my logs.

    So to help your confusion: The Ajax File Manager is not a Zenphoto plugin, it's a TinyMCE plugin. Actually it is not a true TinyMCE plugin but it's called from within TinyMCE's image plugin. The Ajax File Manager is actually also a standalone program of it's own and as such used with the "Manage files" button on the Zenpage backend additionally. It's own site is here:

    Also here is a small tutorial on the Zenpage site:
  • sorry i updated zenphoto instead of zenpage... i updated zenpage no more errors... ty
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks for the note.
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