I feel like I'm missing something fundamental about the way Akismet works in ZenPhoto. At the moment, a lot of spam comments are getting through, and I'm confused about what's happening on the admin side when I go to moderate them. I'm familiar with how Akismet works in other applications, but the unexplained icons on the comments admin page are really throwing me off here. I need a tooltip, or just the tiniest smidge of documentation.

Am I correct in thinking there is no visible spam queue as there is in WordPress? Or are the comments that have the Spam (?) icons the ones that are held for moderation?
I'm not clear on what the Show and Spam icons do. If a spam comment makes it through, what does clicking the Spam icon
do? All I can see is that it removes the icon. Am I approving the comment? If so, how do I mark it as spam? If I just delete it, am I confirming that it is spam and removing it -- i.e. is Akismet learning from my site? -- or I am just throwing it away?
If you delete a comment it is gone. I believe it is not implemented that Akisment learns from that. I can't help with the akismet spam filter any further since I did not write it nor ever used it since I don't have a key (actually I don't really use comments at all..).