

I'm using zenpage version 1 and have the slideshow plugin working. I have two questions about that:
1- Some images in the different albums do not show. I have the jQuery mode on. What would be the cause?

2- How to change the default of the transition time from 3 seconds to something else?

Thanks for the help


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Actually this is not Zenpage specific

    1. What are those images that are not displayed? Do their filenames have any special characaters like accents or so? If that might be a js issue again. Also note that the jQuery mode does not support mulitmedia files likes movies or mp3s at all (I believe that is noted somewhere).

    2. That should be possible with the "speed" and the "timeout" options.
  • For some reason if the image is larger than 1280x960 it won't show in the slideshow jquery mode. It does show if I switched to Flash mode. The file names has no special characters. I guess I'll need to change the image sizes to allow it to display in the slideshow.

    I used the timout option to change the default time.

    Thank you.
  • Quite probably a memory limitation of your installation. If so, resizing is the only answer.
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