Static Cache Plugin Breaks Contact Form

I have revision 2983. When I enable both the Static Cache plugin and the Contact Form, the former caches the contact form I have on a custom page.
Clicking Send doesn't send the form, probably because the contact form is dynamic.
Also: the capatcha image on the form is regenerated (shuffled letters) when I reload the page, but the code (the letters the user enters) remains the same.

Is this a known bug? If not, is there an easy way to add the contact form to Static Cache's exclude list?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks, you are right the form is cached and that does not make sense. There is currently no easy way to excluded page. You have to hack that into the plugin yourself around line 173. I will put adding a more convenient way for expluding specific pages on my list.
  • Hi I have new 1.27 zenphoto and contact form on http . How can I exclude it form static cache plugin ? I try to write in plugin options:
    And nothing works :(
    Excluding works for index.php
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you want to exclude a page completly enter page-filename.php/. If you want to exclude a page by a specific title,image filename or album folder name enter pagefilename.php/titlelink or image filename or album folder. Separate several entries by comma."

    So that means instead of `index.php?p=credit` using `credit.php`. Several entries separated by comma, not dots as you did.
    `search.php,credit.php` and so on.

    Not sure right now why actually slashes behind the filenames though. Been quite some time when we did this..
  • Ok Thanks again
    In polish translation is mistake . is changed with ,
    Now working :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We should talk to that translator..;-)
  • makar Member
    The static_html_cache plugin has search.php page excluded by default, perhaps contact.php should be excluded by default too.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can manually exclude any page you want on the statci caches plugin options but you are right, that should probably be default.
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