Is the imageDefault.png excluded from the specified size/crop dimensions set in the theme options? It only seems to appear at its native size for me. For example, if i set the theme to crop thumbnails to 100x100, but the imageDefault.png is 200x300, the thumbnail displays at 200x300 rather than 100x100.
What theme are you using?
I am using a default theme by the way
I ask because I don't like this:
"imageDefault.png is used only when there is no image found for some reason. It served directly without any modificatins."
The alignment of my albums is off because everything was adjusted around a 85x85 thumbnail and the imageDefault.png doesn't get resized when displayed for an album. (And yes, I do need some empty albums as "place holders".)
Also, I am working on a little integration of zenphoto into my wiki and the thumbnails for media files (mp3's) are not resized when using the printLatestImagesByDate() function. They always show as 100x100.
Well, that's just for me, but I think probably others, too, would prefer the same resizing behavior for the default images.
A little manual work to do though.