First of all I would like to say "good work" to all developers!
I really would like to use this product in my site, but there are still few thing that in my opinion that could be part of this product:
Rating on image and not only the album.
Users are not able to sort images.
Predefined metadata values is not possible. Example: List of countries. If you create for each country a new tag, tag list becomes very long.
Search on tags with predefined values.
Revision history for images with the same name. If you upload a new image with the same name, your previous uploaded image is gone. Maybe I did something wrong, please tell me.
Taxonomy tree. Very usefull.
Company watermark on images.
Basket functionality to download set of images. (support online payment)
Notifications and workflow. Email when new comment is added or new foto is uploaded.
Is there any chance that these things maybe part of the new release. Do you guys know other products that maybe have this kind of futures? Rating each image individually is really important for me.
Thanx Kangal (and sorry for my terrible english)
2. What do you mean with Users are not able to sort images? If a user has the correct rights it is absolutly to sort images.
3. I fear I don't understand Predefined metadata values is not possible. Zenphoto supports exif meta data.
4. Search on tags with predefined values I fear I also don't understand what you mean here exactly. There is a tag suggest plugin.
5. Revision history for images with the same name. If you upload a new image with the same name, your previous uploaded image is gone. Maybe I did something wrong, please tell me. That is actually correct behaviour. I actually personally see no use to keep old images or to store the info about that (I think that is best done locally on your computer).
6. Taxonomy tree. What exactly do you mean?
7. Company watermark on images. Zenphoto already has the ability to watermark.
8. Basket functionality to download set of images. (support online payment). This could be done with plugins. There are already a google checkout and a paypal plugin you probably could extend..
9. Email when new comment is added or new foto is uploaded. The admin gets already emails about comments if an email is provided. For new images we have rss feeds.
2. As a normal user that visits the page, I can not find any configuration to sort images. The back-end supports that. Maybe I have to read with more patient the documentation.
3. Predefind metadata values: (I do not mean exif, xmp and that kind of metadata)
I think that If you create a metadata framework, so that the admin is able to create a new metadata for example:
color: predefind values could be: red | blue | green
It would be even nicer if can define the type of metadata: text, long, char, or maybe even a reference to other table or objects. And you can also make them mandatory which means that when you upload a new image, you have to set those values.
And If you have your metadata, then you can create a metaddata set that is actually a group of metadata. Afer that you can assign that metadata set to your album and set the default values for each metadata definition if you like. and afcourse I would like to search on all those metadata in something like simple search and advanced search with operator: equal, not equal, contains etc
6. About taxonomy tree
If you create a tree like this:
| +-----TaxNode1Child1
| +-----TaxNode1Child2
| +-----TaxNode2Child1
| |
| |
If you tag your album or images with those tags:
Let say I have total 5 images in all my albums. And I tag all those 2 with "TaxNode1" and 2 of them with "TaxNode1Child2" and 1 with "TaxNode2Child1"
My taxonomy tree would be like this:
+----TaxNode1 (5 images)
| +-----TaxNode1Child1 (0 images)
| +-----TaxNode1Child2 (2 images)
+----TaxNode2 (1 image)
| +-----TaxNode2Child1 (1 image)
| |
| |
I hope that I could explain this well.
About all those other things, well, I will definitely go for a try project to see how I can implement zenphoto in my site.
Thanx in advanced..
2. Again, zenphoto will support sorting of images on display. No current themes do that, though. No one before you has ever suggested that was an important feature.
3. Unless I am mistaken, you are describing TAGs which you can create and use just as you describe. If I am mistaken then you can use the custom data feature to provide whathever you really mean.
5. Zenphoto relies on the operating system for file management.
6. We must be confused by this request. Othewise we would say that the album structure provides exactly this and the printAlbumMenu() function will show the structure as a menu item.
I would suggest you peruse the documentation on the zenphoto functions to fully understand the capabilities that are available to your scripts.