Auto rotate in 1.2.2 not working

Not working or not what I was expecting?

I just upgraded to 1.2.2 [2983] and noticed the option for Auto Rotate Images was there (hurrah!). Of course, since I'm running on Ubuntu 8.04 I had an issue with the included GD support lacking the imagerotate function.

I downloaded php and built it with GD as a shared module based on info here Using my newly built, phpinfo reports essentially the same info about GD, and now my installation includes the imagerotate function.

After restarting Apache, I can now check Auto rotate images (yes, clicked save) but it doesn't seem to do anything. I cleared the album cache and refreshed the metadata, but no joy. Viewing the EXIF info Orientation is included in my photos.... Any ideas what I'm missing?

I'm using the StopDesign theme if that might make a difference.

I'm neither a programmer nor a php guy, so I've not yet looked to see what other image* functions may be required but missing from my library....

Any tips, pointers, or straight up solutions appreciated :-)


  • Auto rotation depends on the camera setting saying the image needs to be rotated. Perhaps your camera has not indicated that. You can manually rotate the image in the Admin back-end.
  • Hmmm, I do not have any options for manually rotating in the Admin back-end. I'll try setting up a fresh test install to see if that changes anything.

    My primary camera (Canon A610) seems to include the correct orientation info when viewing the EXIF data. Several other programs correctly rotate the images as well.
  • If you have no option for manually rotating the image then you do not have the zenphoto version which supports rotation. If you have radio buttons for rotation but they are disabled then you do not have the necessary PHP support.
  • I have downloaded and installed Zenphoto 1.2.2.

    Auto rotate images: is ticked.

    A image contains the relevant EXIF information:

    Orientation: 6: 90 deg CCW

    However, Zenphoto doesnt rotate the image?
  • Also, I have tested the imagerotate function, using the example here: and that works perfectly!
  • Is this an already existing image? Then you will have to purge your cache. Since the original unrotated image will be what is there.
  • I added a brand new test image to my gallery, and I also purged my cache.

    Here are the results:

    Thumbnail: 1.png

    Image: 2.png

    EXIF Information: 3.png

    Rotate Image Ticked: 4.png

    Original Image from Camera:
  • Unfortunately, your image is too large for me to use it on my server. What happens when you try to manually rotate the image?

    You can set the `DEBUG_IMAGE` define in functions-basic to `true` and get some debug output of the image processing. Please use the nightly build if you do this since the amount of information has been increased. This will create a file in zp-core named debug_log.txt. Be sure that there is no such file to start, then delete any cache file for the image and view the image.
  • I am using the latest release version 1.2.2, this should support automatic image rotation?

    I cannot see any option to manually rotate the image, heres a screenshot: 5.png
  • Please try this on the nightly build.
  • I'm now using a nightly build,

    Autorotate now looks like it's starting to work, the thumbnails look perfect, they have rotated properly, however, the main image has rotated, but the frame didnt, the image looks distorted, see here: 6.png
  • Distortion of an image like this is caused by HTML which is specifying a landscape image when the image itself is portrait.
  • eeek so maybe zenphoto isn't quite ready for auto rotation.
  • kg1 Member
    As a test I tried nightly build zenphoto-2009-01-02-trunk with a very small gallery--1 album, 2 photos which needed rotation. Image rotation is working fine for me on Ubuntu with the modified GD. Tried it with stopdesign and the default themes.
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