"next" link points to nowhere

Hello all,

I found zen photo really great, congratulations! so I decided to publish some pics with it.

But I discovered that in one particular photo of one gallery, the "next" link doesn't point to the next photo (nothing appears as a parameter), so the button sends you back at the gallery first page. I found it to be the only page where it takes place.

You can check it out there:
(I used the french translation)

Does anyone have seen this before?

Thanks for the help :)


  • Your best bet is to move up to a more current version of zenphoto. 1.2.2 is the current release. You can also try the nightly builds.
  • Hi,

    I forgot to mention that I was using version 1.2.1, I will then try the latest. Thanks for your support.

    EDIT: just tried, with no effect, the link is still missing :(
  • It is kind of like there is a discontinuity between those two images. The forward link from the one you posted points to an image with an empty image name. Likewise, the image it should point to has a back pointer to an image with an empty image name.

    Do you have any unpublished images in the album? Maybe these images are from the Bermuda Triangle? :)

    Could you also try the nightly build to see if it makes any difference.
  • Hi,

    sorry, I was on hollidays last week.

    I don't have any unpublished images in the album.

    I'll try the nightly build hopefully next weekend to test.

    Thanks for the support.
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