Setting fixed album thumbnail GLOBALLY

As much as I love the random thumbnails, this feature seems to be bring my slow webserver to its knees. Is there a way to set a fixed thumbnail from each folder *GLOBALLY*? I know you can do this for each folder, but as I have +7000 photos with +100 folders, doing this for each folder would suck....


  • You can run a query to set the `thumb` field to '1' which will set all the albums to use the first image.

    EDIT: or you can install tonight's nightly build. I have created a new utility that will do just what you want.
  • Great thanks for the options. For option #1, what file should I edit? (Sorry I'm completely new to zenphoto.) For option #2, I think I'll wait until I familiarize myself with zenphoto a little more before upgrading.

    In any case, it seems that the only overhead with random thumbnails is -- generating the thumbnail, right? Choosing a random (pre-generated) thumbnail is negligible in terms of CPU usage, right?

    If so, then I should be OK once all images are pre-cached.
  • Choosing a random thumbnail will have negligable performance difference from choosing the most recent one. Of course assigning a thumbnail will be the most efficient.

    There is no file you can update for option one. You would do this from your MySQL management interface.
  • Maybe it could help:

    for selecting the albums that have special configuration for the "thumb" parameter, just do:


    select albums.thumb,title,id from albums where thumb is not NULL;


    To restore the default behavior of the "thumb" column of an album, you should set it to NULL, like this for album 586:


    update albums set thumb=NULL where id=586;

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