No batch uploader program for Zenphoto?

I am looking to switch from Flickr but I cant find an app that allows batch uploading. I know I could use FTP, but has anyone created an app sort of like Flickr Uploader where you just drag/drop a group of photos in a window?


  • @sbillard

    Thanks for the link. I am on a Mac, is there anything I can use on OSX?
  • I am not aware of anything.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If I recall correctly someone wanted to do a iPhoto upload utility quite some time ago. Don't know what happened to that project. I am also on Mac but I am comfortable with ftp. I use Transmit but if you need a free program you might want to try Cyberduck for example, that's just drag and drop, too.
  • @acrylian,

    Yea, I use Cyberduck. I just wanted to use something that would generate albums, subalbums, titles, etc easily. Like a form that you fill out before uploading. Similar to what I used for Flickr when I was a member (Flickr Uploader app). Do you know if Transmit can resize photos before uploading?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I just wanted to use something that would generate albums, subalbums, titles, etc easily.
    Well, if you drop folders with images in them via ftp into the albums folder they become automatically albums and their folder names become the album titles. If you drop nested folders you get subalbums automatically. If you attach exif/iptc data to your images you can do a few more things. Zenphoto will create the sized images and the thumbs automatically, too, except if the images are too big and exceed your php memory limit:

    No, Transmit does not resize images. But there are several programs out there that are able to do that, for example this a little older one:
  • @acrylian,

    I didnt know that you can nest subfolders and it will be subalbums. Sounds good.

    Where is the setting to automatically resize photos after I upload them? Does Zenphoto replace the original photo or does it create a resized file? I would like it to replace the original to free up server space.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You find the option for the image size on the image and theme option on the admin backend. Zenphoto does not replace your original uploaded image but it creates cached version of the image. It is therefore recommended to resize your images to a proper size before uploading (please see the link I posted above). It does not makes sense to upload huge images unless you want visitors to download and print theme (saves traffic and bandwidth on upload also...:-)).
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