Being able to publish text easily with ZenPage within the ZenPhoto is great.
I do realize that going into the theme code is the way of customizing the theme, but just a thought. I imagine that a lot of users would like to either to change the order of items there (e.g. articles before the news), change the items description (e.g. Tutorials instead of pages), remove RSS, add some hard links to contact pages etc.
Adding html header and footer in some easy way and colour schemes would be a blessing.
Another common need, would be to go directly to the Gallery index, showing thumbs of galleries (it seems to define index as a chronological list of latest news). It's a photo gallery that is at the heart of the application.
Is it feasible or possible at all to be able to control such features from the Admin menu, rather than rewriting the code?
I'm trying to learn how to do that, but that's a long way to go... Many thanks!
It would not be feasible to control everything via options if you can easily change it in the theme directly. That is what "theming" is about. Zenphoto and Zenpage are all about flexibility but as always the perfect out of the box solution is not possible since everyone has it's own needs.
Regarding the extracontent you need to setup your theme with the functions if you want to use them (it is also mentioned on the edit pages). Where they print their output depends on where you place them. That can of course be the sidebar or somewhere else. There are a lot of functions that are optional and not in there by default.
Regarding the index page. Disable the "news on index" option and you get your normal index page with the albums. Then the news are shown on their own page only.